Thursday, March 29, 2018

The Philippines…..

We as a family visited the Philippines about 5 days.

Statue of Ukon Takayama. 
(I wish I could share pictures of the family, but the kids refuse.)

Riding a Jeepney. We also enjoyed their food.

We visited the Filardos and their church (2nd floor behind the Jeepneys).
They work among the poor.

I really enjoyed the time in the Philippines. They are wonderful people.

Monday, March 19, 2018

Naho and I

Naho and I after Hosahna's graduation.
Joshua and Hosahna graduated from high school and junior high recently.
(I wish I could share photos of our kids, but they would not want us to post them.)

In the Philippines. Enjoyed a Mango Smoothie.

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Naho and I on our weekly date. What a precious wife!

The boys (with friends) and I went skiing at Hakuba Goryu. It was beautiful.

Men praying at Abundant Life Christ Church
Great to see men humbling themselves before God.