"God has a design for sex that's awesome," Oliver said. Pornography inhibits and interferes with that plan, he said.
"This is a counterfeit; it cheapens it, reduces intimacy; this is going to hurt your ability to have healthy sex later in life," Oliver said.
"When you see how early kids start to see it, it's a big problem," he said. "Sexuality is awesome and porn cheapens it and undermines the ability to have healthy relationships."
"A church usually reacts only after something has blown up," Oliver said. "By that point, the damage is so severe, the damage is irreparable. It's a very reactive stance. This is already going on in droves. A prepared response is always better."
"There's already an assault on our sexuality," he said. "If we don't have a couple sermons a year on Sexuality, porn, purity, honesty, confession, accessibility, we're not doing our job. Churches need to get to know subject matter experts. We've gotten to know the therapists who are phenomenally good at treating sexually addicted people."
1 Thessalonians 4:3, "This is the will of God, your sanctification: that you abstain from sexual immorality…."