"The world trembles only before the cross, not
before us." Dietrich Bonhoeffer
"But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Galatians 6:14
"But far be it from me to boast except in the cross of our Lord Jesus Christ, by which the world has been crucified to me, and I to the world." Galatians 6:14
"I believe we must not only pray for revival but also for reformation that will restore our lost confidence in the Cross…. Have we- I speak to those of us who are committed Christians- have we forgotten that God’s power is more clearly seen in the message of the Cross than any political or social plan we might devise?... The Cross is nothing less than the self-substitution of God for us…. He chose ‘to direct against his own very self in the person of his Son the full weight of the righteous wrath which they deserved.’…. We become so overburdened with social/political agendas that our message is lost amid these cultural skirmishes. The church has always faced the temptation to modify the gospel or make it secondary to a given political, philosophical, or cultural agenda. When this happens, Christians have exposure to the culture, but the Cross does not. Again, it is hidden…. Salvation, it appears, is electing conservatives to national and local office. Important though this might be, we must always remember that God is neither Republican nor Democrat. When the Cross is wrapped in the flag of a political party, it is always distorted or diminished. Even for some who have experienced its power, the Cross has become an addendum to what is thought to be more pressing agendas…. We must be involved in the political process but also keep our distance, fighting evil and encouraging good wherever it is found. Ultimately the ballet box cannot save us; only God can. And the Cross is the centerpiece of His agenda…. Only the Cross stands alone, unencumbered with other religions, philosophies, or political ideologies, does it retain its power…. Let us not be so naïve as to think that this (organizing a moral crusade etc) is American’s hope. Darkness can only be dispelled by light, and light come through the gospel of God’s grace…. What have we won if people are not introduced to a Savior who can reconcile them to God?....We (must) conduct ourselves in such a way that we have credibility in sharing the Good News…. And if the choice would be between winning our ‘cultural war’ and maintaining our committment to a pure gospel, we must let the cultural battles take second place so that the Cross gets a hearing in the hearts of men and women.” Erwin Lutzer