you really want to change… Jesus Christ must become your overmastering passion.
you feel anxiety...
the things I have are gifts of grace because of Christ’s love and sacrifice.
They aren’t here because of my performance, but because of his generosity.
Christ loved me enough to sacrifice himself for me; he will continue to give me
what I need. Be consoled, Self.
you feel pride and anger...
the things I have are gifts of grace because of Christ’s love and sacrifice. I
have never received what I deserve- and I never will. If God gave me what I
deserved, I’d be dead. Be humbled, Self.
you feel guilt...
the things I have are gifts of grace because of Christ’s love and sacrifice. I
never earned them to begin with, so I can’t un-earn them. Christ loved and
loves me, even though he knew I would do this. Be confident, Self.
you feel boredom and lethargy...
the things I have are gifts of grace because of Christ’s love and sacrifice.
The very fact I am a Christian is a miracle. Be amazed. Be in wonder, Self.”
Tim Keller
"If then you have been raised with Christ, seek the things that are above, where Christ is, seated at the right hand of God. Set your minds on things that are above, not on things that are on earth." Colossians 3:1-2